
Our Lady Queen of Heaven Catholic Primary School

Better Never Stops

The Governing Body

Welcome to the Governor section of the OLQOH website.

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.


Our Governing Body

Our Governing Body provide support to the school leadership team of the school. 

They meet on at least 16 occasions during the year with at least one meeting each term for the whole Governing Body and half termly meetings for the various committees (Teaching, Learning & Curriculum; Assessment & Progress; Resources; RE).

The Resources Committee (HR, Finance and Premises) plans the schools expenditure against the budget allocated via the Local Authority.  This Committee is responsible for staff recruitment, employment and HR management.  They provide statutory oversight of Health and Safety and develop a buildings plan to ensure that our children have a modern, pleasant and effective environment in which to learn.

The Teaching and Learning Committee support the SLT by ensuring that pupils OLQOH have access to outstanding teaching of a curriculum that is broad, balanced and based on the Gospel values of the school.

There are different categories of Governor:


  • Foundation (FG) - appointed by the Bishop
  • Parent (PG) - elected by Parents & Carers
  • Staff (SG) - elected by Staff
  • Local Authority (LAG) - a representative from the local area (often a political appointee)
  • Head Teacher (HTG) - the Head Teacher is a member of the Governing Body


Since September 2015, the Governors have also had the power to co-opt additional members to join the FGB.  For example, the school's Learning Mentor, Linda Kelly, attends all FGBs, providing advice and guidance to Governors.  The Governors are supported by their clerk, Mrs Mary Lamplough. 

The Governing Body can be contacted by writing to:


Maja Jasko (Chair of the Governing Body)
OLQOH School Office
Hare Lane


RH11 7PZ

or by emailing

Please note that letters to the Chair are not opened by school staff.


FGB members as of 1/9/23 are as follows (together with the Committee Membership & Subject/Aspect Link):


Maja Jasko (FG)

Chair of Governors & English Link Governor

Foundation Governor since September 2008; no pecuniary interest; 100% attendance in 2022/23)



Elizabeth Crouch (FG)

RE Link Governor

Foundation Governor since September 2022; no pecuniary interest; 100% attendance in 2022/23

TERM ENDS ON 31/8/26


Neville Corke (FG)

Science Link Governor
Foundation Governor since September 2009; no pecuniary interest; 100% attendance in 2022/23

TERM ENDS ON 31/8/25


Tonya Tynan (FG)

Inclusion Link Governor (including Pupil Premium)
Foundation Governor since September 2018; no pecuniary interest; 90% attendance in 2022/23

TERM ENDS ON 31/8/26


Liz Oliver (FG)

EYFS Link Governor

Foundation Governor since October 2019; no pecuniary interest; 100% Attendance in 2022/23

TERM ENDS on 31/12/23


Father Joachim Osigwe (FG)

PE Link Governor

Foundation Governor since September 2022; no pecuniary interest; 75% attendance in 2022/23

TERM ENDS on 31/8/26


Ify Okolie (FG) 

Maths Link Governor

Foundation Governor since September 2022; no pecuniary interest; 100% attendance in 2022/23

TERM ENDS on 31/8/26


Sandrina Kinga (PG)

Art & DT Link Governor

Parent Governor since January 2021; no pecuniary interest; 100% attendance in 2022/23

TERM ENDS ON 31/12/25


Alain Peter (PG)

Computing Link Governor 

Parent Governor since September 2023; no pecuniary interest; TERM ENDS ON 31/8/27


Michael Watson (SG)

MfL Link Governor

Staff Governor since Autumn 2016; no pecuniary interest; 90% attendance in 2022/23

TERM ENDS ON 31/12/25


Linda Kelly (Coopted Governor)

Music Link Governor

Coopted Governor since Autumn 2017; no pecuniary interest; 90% attendance in 2022/23

TERM ENDS ON 31/8/25


Governor Minutes are available on request.  The Clerk will aim to have free copies of these to you within one working week.  The Clerk's email address is

The FGB 'Register of Interest' for 2023/24 (nil made) can be accessed by emailing
