
Our Lady Queen of Heaven Catholic Primary School

Better Never Stops

Year 4

St Teresa Forest School

Where in the World

One child each week from each class is invited to find out about a country of their choice: see guidance here.


PE days for Year 4 - Mondays and Wednesdays

Focus will be on CREATIVITY and small-side games.

Times tables:


Times tables are vital to mathematical progress. Knowing your times tables will help you with long multiplication, division, fractions and much more! In June of Year 4, all children will be taking The Government Times Tables Check and therefore need to know their 2-12 times tables fluently.


Strategies to help your child learn their times tables:


Chanting: this could be done on the way to and from school, in the car, running up and down the stairs or at the dinner table! Choose a times table and chant the multiples. Can you see how fast you can chant them? You could even try them backwards.

Create rhymes: create rhymes to remember 'trickier' times table facts such as, '7x7 is like a rhyme, it adds up to 49, 7x7 is 49.'

DOUBLE, DOUBLE: a quick trick for learning the 4x is just to double-double. Double the number and then double it again.

TRICKY SIXES: 6 times tables can be tricky to learn. One helpful trick is that in the 6 times table, when you multiply a 6 by an even number they both end in the same digit.


Online games to play:


Times table rock star:

This should be played at home on a computer, tablet or phone. The app is available to download from the App Store and the Google Play store. We recommend 'little and often' practice. Your child should aim for between 5-10 minutes' practice daily.



The only game mode without a timer, players choose the table and operation (× or ÷ or both) they want to practice. Answer 10, 20 or 30 questions.


Gig games last 5 minutes and contain up to 100 questions, which come in ‘waves’, starting with the 10s, then the 2s, 5s, 3s, 4s, 8s, 6s, 7s, 9s, 11s and 12s.


Players are given a personalised set of 6 multiplication questions (and their matching division questions) in each round. The questions they get keep adjusting to provide the best fit for every learner’s needs. This is probably the best game made for improving their recall while they’re still learning.


Here your child earns their Rock Status, which is based on their Studio Speed. The faster they are the better their status. Studio Speed is the average of their most recent 10 Studio games. Suitable for confident players.


Soundcheck games ask 25 multiplication questions (up to 12×12), allowing 6 seconds for each question. Suitable for confident players.





Times tables and spelling practice 


Pupils will be tested on their weekly spelling words every Friday. Please make sure you are learning your spellings and focusing on the relevant spelling focus/rule for each week. 


Children practise their times tables every day at school. To support this, please go over these as much as possible at home. 
